Wire stem

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Wire stem
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Wire stem in broccoli caused by Rhizoctonia solani
Scientific Classification
Kingdom: Fungi
Phylum: Basidiomycota
Class: Agaricomycetes
Order: Cantharellales
Family: Ceratobasidiaceae
Genus: Rhizoctonia
Species: Rhizoctonia solani
See Rhizoctonia solani

Wire stem is a disease of brassicas caused by rhizoctonia solani.

Symptoms[edit | edit source]

Base of stem becomes black and shrunken. Seedlings often die; the plants which survive grow very slowly and stems break easily.[1]

Treatment[edit | edit source]


Prevention[edit | edit source]

Avoid growing seedlings in wet and cold soil or compost. Cheshunt Compound may help. Avoid over-crowding.[1]

References[edit | edit source]

  1. a b Hessayon, D.G. (2009). The Vegetable & Herb Expert. Transworld Publishers, London. p. 29. ISBN 9780903505468