Turnip mosaic virus

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Turnip mosaic virus
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Turnip leaf showing symptoms of TuMV
Scientific Classification
Family: Potyviridae
Genus: Potyvirus
Species: Turnip mosaic virus
Turnip mosaic virus

Turnip mosaic virus (TuMV) is a Potyvirus of the family Potyviridae that causes diseases in cruciferous plants, among others, but is most damaging in Chinese cabbage, turnip, mustard, and radish.[1] The virus is usually spread by 40-50 species of aphids in a non-persistent manner.

Symptoms[edit | edit source]

Infected plants, especially the natural hosts, show symptoms such as chlorotic local lesions, mosaic of light and dark green colors in the leaves, mottling, puckering or rugosity. Depending upon the virus strain and the crop species, necrotic streaks, flecks, or ringspots may also occur.[1]

Cabbage[edit | edit source]

Necrotic spots and ringspots are the primary symptom in common cabbage, but the severity of symptoms is cultivar dependant.[1]

Control[edit | edit source]

Chemical Control[edit | edit source]

Use of insecticidal sprays in crop fields are generally not effective in reducing virus spread.[1]

Cultural Control[edit | edit source]

Avoid planting overlapping crops of species susceptible to TuMV. Resistant cultivars of Chinese cabbage are available, but none are resistant to all 5 strains known to occur in this crop.[1]

References[edit | edit source]


This page uses Creative Commons Licensed content from Wikipedia (view authors).
  1. a b c d e Black, L.L. (2001). Crucifer Diseases - Turnip Mosaic Virus. The World Vegetable Center. Retrieved: 2010-12-23.