Tomato ringspot virus

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Tomato ringspot virus
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Tomato ringspot virus on a cucumber plant
Scientific Classification
Family: Comoviridae
Genus: Nepovirus
Species: Tomato ringspot virus
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Locations where Tomato ringspot virus has been confirmed (blue)[1]
Blackberry Himalaya mosaic virus

Euonymus ringspot virus
Grape yellow vein virus
Grapevine yellow vein virus
Peach yellow bud mosaic virus
Prune brown line virus
Prunus stem-pitting virus
Red currant mosaic virus
Tobacco ringspot virus 2

Winter peach mosaic virus

Tomato ringspot virus is a Nepovirus known to infect a wide variety of hosts other than tomatoes including cucumber, tobacco, beans and various woody and ornamental plants.[1][2] It is transmitted by adults and three larval stages of the nematode Xiphinema americanum.[2]

Symptoms[edit | edit source]

Cucumber[edit | edit source]

Local chlorotic spots; systemic chlorosis and mottle.

Fabaceae (beans)[edit | edit source]

Chlorotic local lesions; systemic rugosity and necrosis of tip leaves.

Tomato[edit | edit source]

Local necrotic flecks; systemic mottle and necrosis.

Raspberry[edit | edit source]

No visible signs, or yellow mottling or ringspots on leaves. Low vigor and low productivity. Small crumbly fruit.

Elderberry[edit | edit source]

No visible signs, or yellow mottling or ringspots on leaves. Low vigor, low or no productivity.

Treatment[edit | edit source]


Prevention[edit | edit source]

Ensure area is weedfree. Protect plants from insect vectors.


References[edit | edit source]


  1. a b (1990). Tomato ringspot nepovirus. European and Mediterranean Plant Protection Organization. Retrieved: 2010-08-01.
  2. a b Stace-smith, R. (1970). Tomato ringspot virus. Descriptions of Plant Viruses. Retrieved: 2010-08-01.