Tomato black ring virus

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Tomato black ring virus
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Carrot leaves showing symptoms of TBRV
Scientific Classification
Family: Comoviridae
Genus: Nepovirus
Species: Tomato black ring virus
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Countries with confirmed cases of TBRV (blue) and unconfirmed or unestablished (light blue)
Bean ringspot virus

Beet ringspot virus
Buschbohnenringflecken (German)
Celery yellow vein virus
Kartoffelbukett (German)
Lettuce ringspot virus
Potato bouquet virus
Potato pseudo-aucuba virus
Tomato black ring nepovirus

Tomato black ring virus

Tomato black ring virus is a nepovirus with a host range beyond that of its namesake, tomato. Other hosts include: grapes, potato, Allium species, beets, brassicas, lettuces and legumes. In practice, however, the most important hosts have proven to be cane fruit, Ribes species and strawberry.[1]

Symptoms[edit | edit source]

Most naturally infected weed and crop plants may show few or no symptoms especially in the year of infection or when infection occurs through the seed. Nevertheless, plant growth and vigour in such plants may be impaired. Where infection occurs through nematode transmission, this often appears as patches of poor growth which slowly extend in size each year. Symptoms are generally most obvious in plants in early spring growth and are less noticeable during more rapid growth in summer.

Cane fruit & Strawberry[edit | edit source]

Depending on the cultivar, natural infection in cane fruit and strawberries may induce chlorotic mottling and/or ringspots in leaves.[2][3]

Potato[edit | edit source]

Leaves may develop black necrotic spots.[4]

Celery[edit | edit source]

Leaves may show bright-yellow vein-clearing.[5][6]

Control[edit | edit source]

Avoidance of infection is by planting healthy material (seed or vegetative material) at sites free from infestation with Longidorus vector nematodes carrying the virus.[1]

Chemical[edit | edit source]

At sites contaminated with infective nematodes, soil treatment with nematicides prior to planting can be used as a control.[7][8]. This treatment kills most nematodes and also any infected weed and crop seeds that might act as virus reservoirs for the few nematodes surviving the soil treatment. To minimize the risk of reinfecting such treated sites through the presence of virus-infected weed seedlings, continued weed control is an additional and recommended treatment.[1]

Cultural[edit | edit source]

The virus was eradicated from infected potato tubers and some fruit tree budwood by thermotherapy.[9]

Gallery[edit | edit source]

References[edit | edit source]


  1. a b c Tomato black ring nepovirus. European and Mediterranean Plant Protection Organization. Retrieved: 2011-01-08.
  2. Murant, A.F. (1987) Raspberry ringspot and associated diseases of Rubus caused by raspberry ringspot and tomato black ring viruses. In: Virus diseases of small fruits (Ed. by Converse, R.H.), pp. 211-220. USDA Agriculture Handbook No. 631.
  3. Murant, A.F.; Lister, R.M. (1987) European nepoviruses in strawberry. In: Virus diseases of small fruits (Ed. by Converse, R.H.), pp. 46-51. USDA Agriculture Handbook No. 631.
  4. Harrison, B.D. (1957) Studies on the host range, properties and mode of transmission of beet ringspot virus. Annals of Applied Biology 45, 462-472.
  5. Schmelzer, K. (1966) Studies on viruses of ornamental and wild woody plants. 5. Virus disease of Populus and Sambucus. Phytopathologische Zeitschrift 55, 317-351.
  6. Hollings, M.; Stone, O.M.; Martelli, G.P. (1969) Celery yellow vein and Hungarian chrome mosaic viruses. Annual Report of the Glasshouse Crops Research Institute for 1968, pp. 102-103.
  7. Murant, A.F.; Taylor, C.E. (1965) Treatment of soil with chemicals to prevent transmission of tomato blackring and raspberry ringspot viruses by Longidorus elongatus (de Man). Annals of Applied Biology 55, 227-237.
  8. Trudgill, D.L.; Alphey, T.J.W. (1976) Chemical control of the vector nematode Longidorus elongatus and of Pratylenchus crenatus in raspberry plantations. Plant Pathology 25, 15-20.
  9. Kaiser, W.J. (1980) Use of thermotherapy to free potato tubers of alfalfa mosaic, potato leaf roll, and tomato black ring viruses. Phytopathology 70, 1119-1122.