Solanum lycopersicum 'Roma'

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Scientific Classification
Species: Solanum lycopersicum
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Open pol
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Italian plum tomato
Italian tomato
Roma tomato

The Roma tomato or Roma (the "Roma VF" variant is most common in seed catalogs as of 2007) is a plum tomato which is commonly found in supermarkets. The tomato is a meaty, egg- or pear-shaped tomato that is available in red and yellow. It has few seeds and is a good canning and sauce tomato. While Roma is an open-pollinated variety, it is generally not considered an heirloom tomato.[1]

Roma tomatoes are grown in the United States, Mexico, Australia and Great Britain. The vines are a determinate variety and fruit heavily, making Roma a popular variety with gardeners who do a lot of home canning. While Roma is an open-pollinated variety rather than a hybrid, it has been steadily improved to the point where most Roma tomato vines are fusarium and verticillium wilt resistant (thus the VF in the name). Most commercial plum tomatoes sold in markets in the Western Hemisphere are Romas or related types. Smaller plum-shaped tomatoes are sometimes sold as "baby Romas".

A smaller-fruited relative known as "Windowbox Roma" is sold as a tomato suitable for window gardens and hanging containers.

Growing[edit | edit source]

Main article: Tomato: Growing

References[edit | edit source]


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Tomato varieties
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Determinate Roma · Tumbling tom
  1. The Cook's Thesaurus, Tomato. Retrieved: 2010-05-25.