Septoria leaf spot of celery

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Septoria leaf spot of celery
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Septoria leaf spot of celery
Scientific Classification
Kingdom: Fungi
Phylum: Ascomycota
Class: Dothideomycetes
Subclass: Dothideomycetidae
Order: Capnodiales
Family: Mycosphaerellaceae
Genus: Septoria
Species: Septoria apiicola
Late blight of celery
Septoria leaf spot

Spetoria leaf spot of celery (Septoria apiicola) is a blight of celery, which is extremely susceptible to the disease during extended periods of leaf wetness.[1]

Symptoms[edit | edit source]

Septoria apiicola can attack any part of the plant above ground. As outer leaves and stalks turn dark and wither, the entire field may look scorched.[2]

Prevention[edit | edit source]

Biological[edit | edit source]

This fungi often are introduced on 1-year-old seed. For this reason, use seed 2 years old or older. Soak newer seed at 47°C (118°F) for 30 minutes; then dry at room temperature.[2]

Chemical[edit | edit source]

Spray plants with one of the following fungicides on a 7-day schedule in the field, and if the label permits, at shorter intervals in seedbeds.[2]

  • Quadris 9.2-15.4 fl oz/A, 7-14 day intervals (0 days-PHI). Follow label recommendations for fungicide resistance management.
  • Quadris Opti 2.4-3.7 pt/A (7 days-PHI).
  • Bravo Ultrex 0.9-1.4 lb/A, 3-5 day spray schedule or 1.8-2.7 lb/A, 7-day schedule (7 days-PHI).
  • Bravo Weather Stik 6F 1-1.5 pt/A, 3-5 day spray schedule or 2-3 pt/A, 7-day schedule (7 days-PHI).
  • Equus 720 2-3 pt/A (7 days-PHI).
  • Tilt 4 oz/A (14 days-PHI).
  • Quilt 14 fl oz/A on a 7-10 day schedule (14 days-PHI).
  • Kocide 3000 0.75 lb/A (0 days-PHI). Apply at 5-7 day intervals as soon as plants are established in the field.
  • Cuprofix Ultra 40 D 1.25 lb/A. Apply at 5-7 day intervals when conditions favor disease.
  • Tanos 8.0-10.0 oz/A (1 day-PHI)

Examples[edit | edit source]

References[edit | edit source]


  1. Berger, R.D. (1970). Epiphytology of celery late blight. Florida State Hort.Soc.Proc.83:208-212.
  2. a b c Phillips, P.A. Late Blight of Celery (Septoria apiicola): Timing Fungicides Based on its Biology as Predicted by In-Field Weather Stations. Cal/EPA, Department of Pesticide Regulation, Pest Management Analysis and Planning Program, and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.