Meadowsweet rust

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Meadowsweet rust
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A Triphragmium ulmariae gall on a meadowsweet leaf
Scientific Classification
Kingdom: Fungi
Division: Basidiomycota
Class: Urediniomycetes
Order: Uredinales
Family: Sphaerophragmiaceae
Genus: Triphragmium
Species: Triphragmium ulmariae
Meadowsweet rust
Meadowsweet rust gall

Meadowsweet rust (Triphragmium ulmariae) develops as a chemically induced swelling, arising from the lower surface of the leaves of meadowsweet.

Symptoms[edit | edit source]

The fungus attacks the petioles and / or midribs of the perennial Meadowsweet (Filipendula ulmaria) plant, a member of the Rosaceae family, causing swelling and distortion. Clusters of sporangia develop with bright orange spores.[1]

References[edit | edit source]


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  1. Stubbs, F. B. Edit. (1986) Provisional Keys to British Plant Galls. Pub. Brit Plant Gall Soc. ISBN 0-9511582-0-1. P. 27.