Leaf mould

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You will need a suprisigly large amount of leaves to make a reasonable amount of leaf mould as it reduces in volume greatly.

Storing[edit | edit source]

It will take at least 12 months to turn leaves into a useable end product and sometimes much longer. You may choose to shred the leaves first or cover them with a piece of old carpet to keep them damp and.

Bin Bags[edit | edit source]

Fill black bin bags with leaves. Create several holes in the bag to allow drainage, you can use a garden fork for this, using a hose pour water into the bag for a few seconds to thoroughly wet the leaves and then tie up the bag(s) and store them out of the way

Chicken Wire Cage[edit | edit source]

Put four posts into the ground and wrap chicken wire around to make a square box. Fill with leaves, wet through and leave.

Pallets[edit | edit source]

Put the leaves in a typical allotment compost bin made of pallets, again wet thoroughly and wait.

Use[edit | edit source]

Once a crumbly dark mix has been produced, your leaf mould is ready to use. Add it to potting compost when planting seeds/seedlings, use as a soil conditioner or a mulch.[1]

Error creating thumbnail: Unable to save thumbnail to destination
Potatoes grown in normal (slightly alkaline) soil (left) and in leaf mould (right)

Potatoes[edit | edit source]

Leaf mould may also help with scab resistance in potatoes.[2]Template:Clr

References[edit | edit source]

  1. "How to make leaf mould" - Pigletwillie
  2. Two_Sheds. (2010). Potato scab. The Grapevine. Retrieved: 2010-07-30.