Iris yellow spot virus

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Iris yellow spot virus
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IYSV on an onion leaf
Scientific Classification
Order: Unassigned
Family: Bunyaviridae
Genus: Tospovirus
Species: Iris yellow spot virus
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Areas with confirmed cases of IYSV (blue)
Iris yellow spot tospovirs

Iris yellow spot virus


Iris yellow spot virus was first discovered in the United States in 1989 infecting onions grown for seed in Idaho. The virus is a tospovirus, closely related to two serious virus diseases: tomato spotted wilt virus and impatiens necrotic spot virus. The disease is primarily a problem on onions (Allium spp.), garlic (Allium sativum), iris (Iris spp.) and lisianthus (Eustoma grandi-florum).[1] IYSV is vectored by Onion thrips (Thrips tabaci). It is noted that the economic impact of iris yellow spot tospovirus in iris and leek is low in the Netherlands but this is not the case in Brazil on onion, as up to 100% loss has been observed in onion fields.[2]

Symptoms[edit | edit source]

Iris[edit | edit source]

Symptoms are characterized by chlorotic spots which later developed into yellow and necrotic spots.[2]

Onion[edit | edit source]

Plants show numerous eyelike spots on the leaves and flower stalks resulting in flower abortion.[2]

Control[edit | edit source]

There is no known cure for IYSV. Once and infection is detected all affected plants should be culled and destroyed. All tools and equipment should be sanitised. Maintain optimal growing conditions for plants to prevent stress. Employ a crop rotation to avoid growing susceptible crops in infected soils. Weed regularly and control thrips movement and spread. Choose cultivars that are resistant to thrips and IYSV.[1]

References[edit | edit source]
