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Scientific Classification
Kingdom: Plantae
(Unranked): Eudicots
(Unranked): Asterids
Order: Apiales
Family: Apiaceae
Genus: Foeniculum
Species: Foeniculum vulgare
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Locations where fennel grows naturally (green) and where it has been naturalised (light green)[1]

Common fennel
Fenchel (German)
Fenouil (French)
Garden fennel
Sweet fennel

Plant Data
Germination time: 47 days
Time to transplanting: +51 days
Time to harvesting: +464 days
Mature height: 180cm (5ft)
Mature spread: 60cm (2ft)
Ideal pH range: 6.1 - 7.8
Sow depth: 1⅓cm (½in)
Sow spacing: 2½cm (1in)
Growing plant spacing: 38cm (15in)
References: [2][3]
Hardiness Zones
Ideal Hardiness Zones
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Fennel (Foeniculum vulgare) is a herbaceous plant native to the mediterranean region. Itis widely cultivated, both in its native range and elsewhere, for its edible, strongly-flavoured leaves and fruits, which are often mistermed "seeds".[4] Its aniseed flavour comes from an aromatic compound also found in anise and star anise, and its taste and aroma are similar to theirs, though usually not as strong.[4]

Planner[edit | edit source]




Growing[edit | edit source]

Location[edit | edit source]

Choose open ground in a dry, sunny spot.[3] Avoid planting too near to dill to avoid cross pollination.[7]

Sowing[edit | edit source]

Sow seeds in April and cover thinly with fine soil.[3]

Alternatively buy a pot-grown plant and follow the transplanting instructions below.[8]

Transplanting[edit | edit source]

Thin the seedlings to 38cm (15in) apart or transplant to this distance.[3]

Aftercare[edit | edit source]

Once seeds have been collected cut back plant to encourage new leaf growth. When foliage dies back in autumn apply a good mulch.[7]

Fennel will react badly to a winter wet (it is prone to rot) so ensuring good drainage is essential.[7]

Harvest[edit | edit source]

Harvest the leaves in autumn of the first year. Do not over-pick it though. In the second year the plant should produce seed which can be used in the kitchen.[9]

Troubles[edit | edit source]

Full troubles list: Apiaceae troubles

Other than slugs being a problem at seedling stage, fennel does not suffer from many common pests or diseases.[6]

References[edit | edit source]


This page uses Creative Commons Licensed content from Wikipedia (view authors).
  1. Germplasm Resources Information Network: Foeniculum vulgare
  2. Fennel. myfolia.com. Retrieved: 2010-09-10.
  3. a b c d e How to Grow Herbs for a Herb Garden. GardeningData.co.uk. Retrieved: 2010-09-10.
  4. a b Katzer's Spice Pages: Fennel (Foeniculum vulgare Mill.)
  5. Gardeners Diary for February. MeadowScape.co.uk. Retrieved: 2010-09-10.
  6. a b (2008). Growing Your Own: Florence Fennel. Guardian.co.uk. Retrieved: 2010-09-10.
  7. a b c (2010). Fennel (Foeniculum vulgare). NicholsonsHerbFarm.co.uk. Retrieved: 2010-09-10.
  8. Hessayon, D.G. (2009). The Vegetable & Herb Expert. Transworld Publishers, London. p. 133. ISBN 9780903505468
  9. Herbs Around the Garden. DeliciousMagazine.co.uk. Retrieved: 2010-09-10.