Chrysanthemum stunt viroid

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Chrysanthemum stunt viroid
Error creating thumbnail: Unable to save thumbnail to destination
The flower on the right has been infected with CSVd
Scientific Classification
Family: Pospiviroidae
Genus: Pospiviroid
Species: Chrysanthemum stunt viroid
Error creating thumbnail: Unable to save thumbnail to destination
Areas where CSVd has been confirmed (blue) and is unconfirmed or has not become established (light blue).
Chrysanthemum stunt mottle virus

Chrysanthemum stunt viroid
Stunt or measles of chrysanthemum (English)
Rabougrissement du chrysanthème (French)

Stauche der Chrysanthemen (German)

The main hosts of chrysanthemum stunt viroid are chrysanthemum and related ornamentals including Tanacetum. Susceptibility varies between cultivars, but generally all-the-year-round cultivars are more susceptible.[1]

Symptoms[edit | edit source]

Chrysanthemum[edit | edit source]

About 30% of plants are symptomless carriers. Infected plants bloom earlier than normal plants of the same cultivar and this effect increases with time; on plants coming from infected mother plants, it is usually shorter in the first year of infection (a few days) than in the following year (up to more than 3 weeks). Flowers are fewer and smaller and the colour, particularly of the bronze and red ones, may be bleached to a lighter shade. Plants infected the previous summer produce far fewer laterals the following spring.[1]

Leaves are reduced in number and size; a striking crinkle symptom is found in cultivars Blanche and Yellow Garza, the leaf surface being wavy or crumpled with associated yellowish-green patches. Stems become very brittle and break easily where they branch.[1]

Tanacetum[edit | edit source]

Tanacetum parthenium cv. Matricaria Golden Ball may show a dwarfing with associated pale leaves and shortened, crowded inflorescences.[1]

Control[edit | edit source]

Control of the disease is extremely difficult due to its highly contagious nature and long latent period. Viroid-free plants may be obtained by meristem-tip culture, which may be combined with heat treatment. However, the proportion of viroid-free plants which can be obtained is only about 5%.[2][1]

References[edit | edit source]


  1. a b c d e Data Sheets on Quarantine Pests - Chrysanthemum stunt viroid. European and Mediterranean Plant Protection Organization. Retrieved: 2011-01-30.
  2. Hollings, M.; Stone, O.M. (1970) Attempts to eliminate chrysanthemum stunt from chrysanthemum by meristem-tip culture after heat treatment. Annals of Applied Biology 65, 311-315.