Capsicum annuum 'Rota basco'

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Rota basco
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Scientific Classification
Species: Capsicum annuum
Plant Data
Fruit colour: Green to red
References: [1]

Rota basco chilli plants produce good yields of small hot peppers. The fruit grow upright, are hot, and turn from green to red when mature. The plant has green stems, green leaves, and white flowers. This pepper originated from the Tabasco chilli generations ago that found its way to the Mariana Islands, on the island of Rota. It ended up evolving into the Rota basco pepper with its own distinct hotness and flavour. The variety is from the Mariana Islands, USA. [1]

Growing[edit | edit source]

Main article: Chilli - Growing

Troubles[edit | edit source]

Main article: Pepper troubles

References[edit | edit source]


  1. a b Rota Basco Hot Peppers. Reimer Seeds. Retrieved: 2010-10-23.