Capsicum annuum 'Mirasol'

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Dried Mirasol chilli peppers
Scientific Classification
Species: Capsicum annuum
Variety: C. annuum var. cerasiforme

Bola chili
Cascabel (Spanish)
Chile bola
Chile travieso (Spanish)
Chile trompa (Spanish)
Guajillo (Spanish, dried)
Jingle bell
Mirasol (English)
Mirasol pepper (English)
Piment safran du Mexique (French)
Piment dressé du Mexique (French)
Pullia (Spanish, green fruit)
Puya (Spanish, green fruit)
Rattle chili

Plant Data
· · · 4 · · · · ·
Scoville heat units: 2,500 - 8,000
References: [1]

The mirasol also known as the rattle chili, is one of the Mirasol cultivars of the species Capsicum annuum. The rattle and bell designations describe the tendency of loose seeds to rattle inside a dried cascabel when shaken. Fresh cascabel is 2-3cm (1in) in diameter, the pigmentation blends from green to red; when dried, the color darkens.

Growing[edit | edit source]

Main article: Chilli

Troubles[edit | edit source]

Main article: Pepper troubles

References[edit | edit source]


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