Capsicum annuum 'Doe hill golden'

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Doe hill golden
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Scientific Classification
Species: Capsicum annuum
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Doe hill golden
Doe hill golden bell

Plant Data
Fruit colour: Green to golden-orange
1 · · · · · · · ·
Scoville heat units: 0
References: [1]

Doe hill golden plants produce small bell peppers before the larger ones come into season. The fruit turn from green to a golden-orange colour at maturity. The plant is a pre-1900 family heirloom from the Doe Hill area in Highland county, VA. It produces 4 to 6-lobed, bright orange, flat shaped bells, 6cm (2¼in) long and 2½cm (1in) wide. The 60cm (24in) plants are high yielding, widely adapted and disease resistant. The flavor is sweet with a fruity, multidimensional quality. A nice salad pepper for adding color, zip and extra vitamin C to early summer salads.[2]

Growing[edit | edit source]

Main article: Chilli - Growing

Troubles[edit | edit source]

Main article: Pepper troubles

References[edit | edit source]
