Capsicum annuum 'Bolivian rainbow'

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Bolivian rainbow
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Scientific Classification
Species: Capsicum annuum
Plant Data
Mature height: 60-90cm (2-3ft)
· · · · · 6 · · ·
Scoville heat units: 30,000 - 50,000
References: [1][2]

The Bolivian rainbow has been grown for centuries in Bolivia. A purple flowering plant, which produces hundreds of 2cm (¾in) long by 1¼cm (½in) wide upright growing edible chillies. The peppers are shaped like small bullets and mature through various shades of purple to yellows, oranges and finally to bright red when ripe. The full rainbow of colours are present at the same time. Although the fruits are highly ornamental, they are also very pungent so care should be taken when fruits are handled.[1]

Growing[edit | edit source]

Main article: Chilli

Troubles[edit | edit source]

Main article: Pepper troubles

References[edit | edit source]


  1. a b NuMex Twilight - Chile pepper database. The Retreived: 2010-09-01.
  2. Hot Peppers List. Buzzle. Retrieved: 2011-02-05.