Boron deficiency

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Boron deficiency
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A cauliflower stalk showing symptoms of boron deficiency
Boron deficiency
Stem crack

Boron deficiency is an uncommon disorder affecting plants growing in deficient soils and is often associated with areas of high rainfall and leached soils. Boron may be present but locked up in soils with a high pH, and the deficiency may be worse in wet seasons.

Symptoms[edit | edit source]

Symptoms include dying growing tips and bushy stunted growth, extreme cases may prevent fruit set. Crop-specific symptoms include:

Beetroot[edit | edit source]

Rough, cankered patches on roots, internal brown rot.

Cabbage[edit | edit source]

Distorted leaves, hollow areas in stems

Cauliflower[edit | edit source]

Poor development of curds, and brown patches. Stems, leafstalks and midribs roughened.

Celery[edit | edit source]

Leaf stalks develop cracks on the upper surface, inner tissue is reddish brown. Stem crack develops along vascular tissue.

Celeriac[edit | edit source]

Leaf stalks develop cracks on the upper surface, inner tissue is reddish brown.

Swede and Turnip[edit | edit source]

Brown or grey concentric rings develop inside the roots.

Treatment[edit | edit source]

Boric acid (16.5%boron), borax (11.3% boron) or SoluBor (20.5% boron) can be applied to soils to correct boron deficiency. Typical applications are about 1.1 kg/hectare or 1.0 lb/acre of actual boron. Borax, boric acid or Solubor can be dissolved in water and sprayed or applied to soil as a dust. Excess boron is toxic to plants so care must be taken to ensure correct application rate and even coverage. Leaves of many plants are damaged by boron; therefore, when in doubt, only apply to soil.

Examples[edit | edit source]

References[edit | edit source]


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